Monday, September 21, 2009

New Post Using New Phone!

It's been a while, I know, but I've been so caught up with a couple things that I'll touch base on in just a few.

Right now however, I want to say that I am currently blogging from my brand spankin' new Blackberry(R) Curve 8330! I just received it yesterday after switching over to Verizon from T-Mobile' and I've been playing with it ever since :-D

I really did love my Blackberry(R) Pearl Flip 8220, but I had a certain issue with it. You see I've had that cell phone since probably mid to late November last year' and it's served me EXTREMELY well since, however it started to do funny things about a couple weeks ago; it would turn itself off, and then go to a white screen with a re boot signal on it which would last from anywhere between half an hour to hours. And to make matters worse, when I tried fixing it by following the EXACT directions a website and a tech support employee gave me, my cell phone apparently deleted everything including its own software to run the cell itself...I was PISSED!

As you could tell I'm sure, I wasn't having it, and unfortunately I was on a plan with T-Mobile where I payed month-to-month with no contract which simply put means that I had no warranty on my cell whatsoever, thus my switching over to Verizon. And the only reason I was able to switch was because my man signed the contract for me (thank you babe!); I had to get a new number though since I couldn't port my old one to Verizon.

Other than all that mess, lately I've been pretty busy doing two things: job hunting (not going so well), and coaching cheer leading (going better than well). Plus I'll be starting online classes again within the week, so expect short updates..they'll be updates, just condensed ones ;-)

I've been job hunting for a while and almost got hired at two places, but because the hiring managers were so hard to get a hold of, they ended up hiring other people before they could get to me. But because I'm coaching cheer leading and will be starting school again soon, I'm going to have a tad less time on my hands to be job searching, but I'm going to do my very best to keep on looking for something.

And this is my third year coaching cheer leading with the Cougars. I love coaching cheer leading because it's very much meditation-like for me; it totally relaxes me and puts my mind at ease, I leave practices and games feeling completely chilled out. We DO have competition coming up late next month however which means I'll have to come up with a sick two and a half minute long routine for them to perform, teach it to them, and have them stick it by then..I have just over a month to do it all so I have my work cut out for me.

Well my thumbs are getting sore, and I need to find out how I'll get this blog to my site, so see ya!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry