Monday, June 23, 2008

Stomach Flu, Movies, and Sailor Moon!

It's been I while since my last post, but I've been terribly sick. Some sort of stomach flu around where I live, and I unfortunately got it. IT WAS HORRIBLE! I originally got it in my head that I was food poisoned or something, but really it was the flu. I won't get in to the dirty details, but let me tell you..the details are dirty.

Also, I am DYING to see the movie "The Happening." I've seen previews for it, clips of it, and I am a huge fan of M. Night Shyamalan [Sixth Sense, Signs, Lady In The Water, The Happening, etc.], so of course I want to see this movie..looks really great. For one reason, I love love love LOVE horror movies and thriller movies. There's just something amazing about them that really appeal to me. I'm a huge fan of old horror movies too; all the old slasher movies like with Jason, and Freddy, or Chucky and Michael Myers. Love it. But I also love the oldies too, like the old black and white "thrillers." Those were the days..if only I was able to see them on the big screen..or on IMax, that would be so cool.

Alright, subject change real quick, I hate hate HATE laptops for yet another reason: the very sensitive touch pad that acts as your mouse is far too sensitive. I mean, I've had boyfriends who were less sensitive! Good Lord!!! It's really pissing me off.

You see, I have recently discovered a website [] that has SO MANY anime shows practically zip-packed in the site..I mean you practically have to lube the mother up just to close the site. So I was looking around on there, and wouldn't you know it, it had the English dubbed version of Sailor Moon. AHH! I was practically pissing my pants, I was so excited! I've been watching the episodes for a while now, and sometimes the video host they are associated with [Veoh, among others] would load maybe five minutes of an episode [if I'm lucky], half an episode, or if it really hates me, all the episode up towards the climax, and then the video host will stop loading the show, resulting in my having to restart the loading process. I really didn't care at first, but now the loading times are starting to get longer, which means the video will play, and then stop even though it's still loading, like on YouTube, where you have to let it finish loading before you can watch the video in it's entirety.

So back to my touch pad problem [on top of my video loading problem] it gets irritating because the touch pad, if even slightly tapped upon, will make the page I'm currently on go back in the history of that page. So you could imagine that on top of horrible loading times, the fact that I'd have to endure another what sees like a half hour of waiting for an episode to load would pretty much piss me off royally. Very aggravating.

I shall wrap this up because I'm getting sorta tired of typing right my Sailor Moon episode is almost done loading [insert happy face here].


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Should Get Paid For Promoting!

Alright, so I just tested with my cell phone, as you can see from the previous blog entry of mine, the mobile blogging feature on this site; another very cool feature about this web site. You see, I recently [yesterday/last night] switched my phone number from my Metro PCS [aka, Ghettro Piece of Shit] Samsung phone, to my brand semi-new T-Mobile BlackBerry Pearl 8100. I. Love. This. Phone. It really rocks; sure I'm waiting for my phone to fully switch over because it takes anywhere between 24-72 hours for the full transfer to complete, but so far it's well worth the wait, and so far the majority of it's feature are fully functional right now. I say "brand semi-new" when describing this phone because it belonged to my mom's fiance prior to my currently owning it.

The plans I got with this phone are just some basics: myFaves 300, where you can call any 5 people in the US for an unlimited amount of time, no matter what cell phone carrier or even if it's a land line; and I also got the unlimited ANY messages as it allows me to send and receive any type of message [SMS, MMS, and Instant Messaging] unlimited amounts of times. What's truly great about the plan[s] I got is that I never had to sign a contract. It's also pretty cheap too..well, kinda cheap anyways..haha!

My Pearl is also internet and email capable, but I didn't get the plans for those simply because I really don't need it right now; perhaps later in my plan I will, but it's just a waste of money for me right now. Besides with the way I can just text message my blog to the internet without actually having to get on the internet, or email it, is just great as it is. I swear, Metro PCS, T-Mobile, BlackBerry and any other brand names I've mentioned so far should pay me for all the promoting I've just done for them.

*plays with phone for a few minutes while taking a break from typing*

Hey, my AIM is on here now! That's one feature I've been waiting for..even though I hardly ever chat. My BlackBerry also supports Yahoo!, MSN Messenger, and ICQ..though I only use one really [see all that promoting too!].

Gee I love my boyfriend to death; he's being unfairly paranoid about my new phone having AIM and three other instant messaging programs, thinking I'd use them for evil or something, even though he has all of his instant messengers on at all times on his SideKick LX. And although he's being so paranoid, it's just so darn cute. Although he's acting cute, I'm mad at him.

My boyfriend was supposed to go with me to this concert I won two tickets to [WildJam for anyone in the Bay Area who know what I'm talking about]. You see this is a HUGE concert the ever so popular radio station WiLD 94.9 has each summer[ish]. They almost always give away great tickets over the radio, and to people who text a phrase to a certain number to the radio station. I, not thinking I'd likely win, texted what they told people to to the number they provided, and asked my boyfriend "Should I win these tickets, would you go with me?" Of course he agreed. But did he follow through? No. He's going out to dinner with one of his friends now, which is cool. His reason for not following through is because he didn't think I'd win..I honestly don't blame him, seeing as how it wasn't likely..hundreds or thousands of people texted to win the tickets. So now, I'm taking another good friend of mine, Gizelle; she's a great friend of mine, and she's one of my gym mates.

Speaking of the gym, I went to the gym today, and did so much cardio, it wore me out. I mean, twenty minutes on the treadmill and fifteen on the elliptical may not seem like a lot, not even to me does it really seem all that much, but when you had a huge breakfast at Marie Callender's like I did about forty-five minutes to an hour prior to going, you'd feel out of shape too. Then we got a little lazy and did one machine for arms, and another for legs. Needless to say, we left since she and didn't want to be sore at the concert..which starts at 7:30 and ends at 11ish [doors open at 6:30 so we have to be there a little early I'd say, and it literally says "11ish" as the ending time on the website!].

Anyways, once again I feel so very relaxed now that I'm done typing this up. OH MY GOSH! I can't believe I forgot to talk about this! When I started talking about the WildJam concert, not even two sentences into the paragraph, not even kidding, the computer did the blue screen thingy!!! It was total bullshit! I was so mad, and had to restart the laptop again. Thank goodness, the one feature where it auto saves your work saved mine as a draft. So that was the last thing I wanted to get off my shoulders before I wrap blog up this up.

By the way, if anyone who reads this has any ideas for promoting my blog, let me know because myspace bulletins just don't cut it, haha!

Just a test

Monday, June 9, 2008

Boyfriends, and Keyboards, and Blogs, Oh My!

Alright, so here I am at my boyfriend's work. I'm waiting for him to get off already so we can go to Great America [for those of you who don't live in California, Great America is a theme park..very big where I live, but not the best theme park I will admit]. Mike and I have been with each other with just over a year, which I am very proud of [he and I don't call each other by our first very rarely, if ever, will I call him Mike]. It's been one of the hardest, toughest, most stressful year in my life..and if it isn't the most, it's certainly headlining near there, haha! But in any long-lasting, wonderfully amazing relationship, it's supposed to be a bumpy ride; you can't have light without day, nor pleasure without pain..I have equal amounts with him. The person you're in love with is supposed to stress you out, they're supposed to make you think about life each day. That's why I love him; because he makes me thankful for being alive and well, for being able to enjoy life with another man, and to be able to have one of my best friends be my boyfriend. I love you babe if you're reading this.

I'm finally done setting up my blog [gee, that took forever], and have writer's block already..hahaha! As I'm typing these words right now, I'm thinking to myself that this is a pretty cool setup; it lets you center your work in your post, change the font..

*looks at the rest of the toolbar**shriek* has spell check!

I am a terrible speller, and on top of that the keyboard on the laptop I'm on kinda hates me..I literally have to force some keys down sometimes; like, I'll be typing a word or sentence and then it'll just not type the letters that I type. For example, "Hey, how are you doing?" will turn into, "Hy ,howare you ding" hates me quite a bit. I'm actually looking back at what I've typed so far and to tell you the truth, it looks messssssy.

Oh wow, it auto saves your draft while your typing..I just realized that because I stopped typing for a bit to think after that last paragraph and saw the numbers change..boy is that gonna be distracting..hahaha!!! It's a pretty cool feature though because on top of the keyboard from hell, the hard drive or something always goes to a blue screen, telling me that my memory disk is full and that it's deleting something..which should probably scare me I'm sure..when I have too many windows open or something, causing me to manually reboot the laptop, thus deleting anything I'm assuming that it'll automatically show my draft and let me pick up where I left off. I swear this laptop is out to get me.

Perhaps there's a large percentage of people in the world who's laptops are also out to get them; like a more modern day Y2K, only the laptops will be evil and delete everything that you have stored on it's hard drive, but certainly not before mistyping everything and then hiding the spell check aspect of the program you're typing on. Or perhaps when you go to print something, all that will come out are copies of some one's butt or their middle finger..hahaha.

My man just came in to see what I was doing..he totally freaked out when he found out I started this blog. Overreacting, thinking that I made it to do "other things." The only intentions I have on here is to blog, and let my thoughts be heard! I have no intentions of anything more intimate. Besides..I sound much smarter when I type..haha!

Well I think this is about enough for a first post..actually quite a bit..haha! I've actually typed more today than I have in a while, which is pretty good. I haven't ranted like this in a while, so I'm feeling very unstressed and calm; very at ease with myself. Well I'm gonna go on ahead and wrap this it a day for this post.
